The Future Farm is a global organisation and community dedicated to healthier entrepreneurship

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About Episode

· What led Emma to the point where she felt like she had to go down the path she took?

· How has her journey transformed her mindset?

· How has this impacted and changed the way she lives her life and runs her business?

Off balance. Out of sync. Feelings, as entrepreneurs, we’ve all felt at some point in our lives. Entrepreneurs are always striving for that balance or feeling that everything is in our control. But how do we know when our body is giving us the signal to tell us we finally need to pause, stop and change the way we are living every day? How do we find meaningful ways to achieve the balance we crave? 

Serial entrepreneur Emma Obanye, talks to Vladi and Nektarios about when she started to realise that her life was out of balance; how she worked to change her approach to life and her business; the experiences she went through to get there, and how she is now learning to not restrict or control herself.

* This episode discusses the subject of psychedelics. We are not advocating the use of any psychedelics or psychoactive drugs. Please undertake your own research.


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