The Future Farm is a global organisation and community dedicated to healthier entrepreneurship

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About Episode

  • Entrepreneurs have unique characteristics; what are the traits that make somebody do something risky and unpredictable like starting a business?

  • How much control do we have over the entrepreneurial urge?

  • Can you learn to be an entrepreneur or is it something you’re born with?

“I have this unique experience of being an entrepreneur, understanding mental health and going on the same journey as everybody that I’m trying to understand.” Dr. Michael Freeman is the author of one of the only studies on the relationship between entrepreneurship and mental and emotional health. As a psychiatrist, psychologist, researcher and importantly, an entrepreneur himself, he brings authenticity and credibility to the conversation on entrepreneurial wellbeing. 

Michael joins Vladi and Nektarios for a special episode that explores the unique traits that make an entrepreneur. He talks about the role of motivation, curiosity and extroversion; how entrepreneurs have superpowers; the mental health challenges business builders are likely to face, and how much control we actually have over this. Michael shares insights from his own experiences as well as from his research, highlighting the importance of self-awareness, self-care and developing practices to prepare for the entrepreneurial journey. When talking about how we can help change the stigma around mental health, he left us thinking about one question: do you care about entrepreneurs as people? 

You can follow Dr. Michael Freeman on LinkedIn and his business Econa - Entrepreneur Mental Wellness, on LinkedIn and Twitter. For more about Michael and his research, visit his website.

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More from Michael:



  • For a variety of resources, check out Econa where you’ll find scientific articles, videos and podcasts, and books.


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